Navigating Psychedelics: Australia

Everything professionals need to know about psychedelics and psychedelic integration

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What is Navigating Psychedelics: Australia?

Navigating Psychedelics: For Clinicians and Wellness Practitioners - Australia is a transformative educational program for clinicians and wellness practitioners that provides an in-depth understanding of psychedelic substances, their history, therapeutic potential, and responsible use.

This course is designed as a general introduction to the field of psychedelics in an Australian context. It is designed for Clinicians, Wellness practitioners and the psychedelic curious.

This course will provide essential background knowledge for people who are interested in progressing their career in the field and wish to do the advanced clinical skills training (with Psychedelic Institute Australia) in order to work in clinical trials and other settings where psychedelics are used for therapeutic purposes.

The psychedelic landscape in Australia is undergoing a rapid transformation, marking a historic milestone in the world of therapeutic treatments. From July 2023, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has approved the prescription of MDMA and psilocybin for specific mental health conditions, making Australia the first country to legalize the prescription of psychedelic drugs for therapeutic use.

This groundbreaking decision was founded on compassionate grounds and available scientific evidence revealing the efficacy of MDMA and psilocybin in treating treatment-resistant depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. The TGA has imposed strict regulations to ensure safe administration. Only TGA-approved psychiatrists are allowed to prescribe these drugs, and they are reserved for patients who have been diagnosed with approved conditions and have not responded to conventional treatments.

This move represents a significant stride towards advancing mental health treatments in Australia. Nonetheless, it is crucial to recognize that psychedelic therapies are still in the early stages of clinical research, and further studies are imperative to fully comprehend their safety and effectiveness. For this same reason, education around how to safely use these substances is paramount.

Excitingly, the Australian government is considering policy changes to facilitate more extensive psychedelic research and improve accessibility to psychedelic therapy.

Navigating Psychedelics: Australia includes Psychedelics Today’s original library of content from Navigating Psychedelics, plus specific content for those living in Australia who want to learn more about how to get started and more involved in the field. Our course is taught by leading experts in the field of psychedelic research and therapy - Renee Harvey M.A. Clin.Psych. & Diego Pinzon M.A.

What will I learn?

By enrolling in Navigating Psychedelics you will be educated on the most up-to-date information on psychedelics, including:

  • Psychedelic history
  • Evidence-based theory and current data
  • Preparation, risk and safety
  • Clinical applications
  • Working with Challenging Experiences
  • Integration
  • Ethical and Legal considerations
  • Insights from experienced professionals already working in the field

Course Curriculum Outline:

Note: The curriculum is subject to change depending on group interests and guest presenters

Week 1 - Introduction to Psychedelics: This week acquaints students with the world of psychedelics through a historical overview, exploration of key substances, and the origins of the term "psychedelics." The course structure and learning objectives will also be outlined.

Week 2 - Psychedelic Research: Past, Present and Future: Delving from the 50s and 60s to modern times, this week reviews the evolution of psychedelic research. It will discuss current advancements and lay the groundwork for potential future research directions.

Week 3 - Preparation, risk and safety. From a harm reduction perspective, this week imparts vital knowledge for preparing safely, assessing and reducing risk when working with clients who will undergo psychedelic therapy.

Week 4 - The Psychedelic Experience: Unveiling the intricacies of altered states of consciousness, this week delves into the dimensions of psychedelic experiences. Different theoretical frameworks will be explored to help students understand and interpret these profound states.

Week 5 - Psychedelic Therapy: Week five delves into the workings of psychedelic therapy. It will explore the structure and methodologies employed within this therapeutic approach, shedding light on its unique modus operandi.

Week 6 - Working with Challenging Experiences: Addressing a significant facet of psychedelics, this week examines challenging experiences that can arise. Students will learn how to recognize, support, and navigate these moments during psychedelic journeys.

Week 7: Integration. Essential for Meaningful Growth: integration is explored this week. It provides insight into how to incorporate psychedelic insights into daily life, covering various approaches to integrate these experiences effectively.

Week 8 - Legal and Ethical Considerations: Shifting focus to legal and ethical aspects, this week discusses recent regulatory changes in Australia concerning substances like MDMA and Psilocybin. Additionally, it delves into the ethical dilemmas within the psychedelic realm.

Week 9 - Integration Projects: Concluding the course, students will present their integration projects. This final week provides an opportunity for participants to showcase how they've translated course concepts into tangible projects for real-world application.

What is the time commitment?

Nine consecutive weeks involve interactive, 1.5-hour sessions over Zoom that will educate and guide healthcare professionals on psychedelic medicine. A final project will conclude the course in Week 9.

Upon finishing the course participants will receive a Navigating Psychedelics certificate of course completion. (Note this course is for educational purposes. Psychedelics Today does not train therapists to facilitate psychedelic assisted psychotherapy.)

Space is limited!

We have kept groups small and intimate to ensure that all students are able to contribute to the live group discussions.

Your Instructors

Renee Harvey M.A. Clin.Psych.

Renee Harvey is a highly experienced clinical psychologist who relocated from the UK to Australia to develop training in psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy (PAP). She has many years of experience as a lecturer, trainer, clinician and service developer within the mental health field. Her ideas on PAP training are featured in a recently published book chapter (Harvey, 2021) and in various talks and podcasts.

Prior to relocation, Renee was an Honorary Research Fellow and assistant guide in the Imperial College London trial researching psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression. She also facilitated the development of psychedelic interest groups and established and ran a psychedelic Integration Circle in Brighton.

Renee has worked as an assistant therapist on the psilocybin trials at St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne, aimed at the alleviation of depression and anxiety associated with life-threatening illnesses. She is also on the Clinical Advisory Board of Reset Mind Sciences, providing therapist training for their psychedelic research program. She also has a private practice in Melbourne with an emphasis on providing psychedelic integration.

Renee is also currently providing intensive clinical training in psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy for other research teams across Australia, as well as providing supervision to trial therapists and contributing to developing research protocols. She also provides introductory courses in collaboration with Psychedelics Today. She is also currently an Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Western Australia.

Diego Pinzon M.A.

Originating from Colombia and now deeply ingrained in the Australian psychedelic scene, Diego brings an international perspective and deep commitment to the field of psychedelic therapy. After moving to Australia in 2008, his dedication led him to earn a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the University of Canberra, followed by a Masters in Transpersonal Psychology from Sofia University in California.

Diego has navigated the psychedelic landscape through significant roles in the non-profit sector and the esteemed Psychae Institute. His contributions to Australia's groundbreaking psilocybin trial for end-of-life depression and anxiety at St. Vincent’s Melbourne underline his commitment to this transformative field.

Always eager to delve deeper into the world of psychedelic education, Diego was among the first in Australia to complete the 12-month training program, Vital, from Psychedelics Today. Now, he harnesses his expertise as an instructor and coordinator for the program, guiding and inspiring the next generation of psychedelic facilitators.

Beyond his professional endeavors, Diego is a passionate practitioner of martial arts, swimming, and meditation, reflecting his holistic view of health and well-being. His keen interest in Somatic and Transpersonal approaches to psychotherapy embodies his belief in a comprehensive approach to mental health.

Join Diego as he unravels the mysteries of the human mind, drawing on his extensive research experience and commitment to transformative healing practices in the realm of psychotherapy. Be part of this exciting journey into the frontiers of consciousness, guided by an expert who embodies the spirit of exploration and transformation.

Martin Williams Ph.D.

Martin Williams, PhD is a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Mental Health, Swinburne University, and Adjunct in Computational Neuroscience at the Turner Institute at Monash. Martin’s research background is in Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacology at the Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, and he is Executive Director of Psychedelic Research in Science & Medicine (PRISM) and Vice-President of Entheogenesis Australis (EGA).

Martin is a co-investigator on a number of Australian clinical trials of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy, including the St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne study of psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy in palliative care; the Monash PsiConnect neuroimaging study of psilocybin with mindfulness meditation; the Swinburne PsiloDep pilot study and 3PAP RCT of 2- vs 3-dose psilocybin-assisted therapy for depression; and several other studies of psilocybin, MDMA and other psychedelics for the treatment of a range of mental health conditions.

Martin has been an articulate advocate for psychedelic medical research and the evidence-based clinical translation of psychedelic-assisted therapies for almost twenty years. He has co-authored several academic papers providing an Australian perspective on the subject, including a recent influential Perspectives paper in Frontiers in Psychiatry, and is co-editor of an upcoming special topic issue of Frontiers, Beyond Psilocybin: Exploring the Clinical Potential of Novel and Alternative Psychedelics . He presents regularly at conferences and symposia, and is a frequent commentator on psychedelic research and governance in Australian print and broadcast media.

Petra Skeffington Ph.D.

Associate Professor Petra Skeffington is a Clinical Psychologist in Private Practice, and an academic at Murdoch University in Perth. Her research and clinical expertise centres on psychological trauma and recovery, including resilience to trauma, prevention of post-trauma pathologies, and innovative approaches to treating psychological trauma. A/Prof Skeffington was one of the first Australians to achieve MAPS certification for MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy in early 2023, is a lead therapist on a clinical trial investigating MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy, and is part of the therapy team on a clinical trial investigating Psilocybin-Assisted Psychotherapy.

Dr. Stephen Bright

Dr. Stephen Bright is a clinically-trained psychologist who has worked in the field for more than 20 years. He has been the chief principal investigator of multisite clinical trials and has published research on psychedelics, microdosing, psychometrics and drug policy. Currently, Stephen is principal investigator on a trial investigating MDMA for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and an associate investigator of a trial of psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy for treatment-resistant depression for which he is also the lead therapist. Stephen supervisors PhD and Masters students’ research at Edith Cowan University, where he teaches counselling skills and psychopharmacology. Dr Bright has given expert testimony to parliamentary inquest and court hearings. He was awarded Edith Cowan University’s Most Prolific Conversation Author in 2018 and 2019. In his spare time, Steve enjoys kite surfing along Perth’s beaches.

Bonus Extras

Downloadable eBooks/PDFs of our popular Trip Journal and Integration Workbooks!

Navigating Psychedelics TRIP JOURNAL

Are you planning a journey in the near future or working with clients who may be planning a trip? This journal is something you don't want to forget!

This journal will also help you or your clients best prepare for their experience and aids as a wonderful tool for self-exploration.

The Navigating Psychedelics Trip Journal is the ultimate book to help one prepare, track, and begin to work with their psychedelic experiences.

In this 68 page book, you will find preparation tips and advice, journal prompts, a psychedelic trip checklist, a trip report section, and more.

Navigating Psychedelics INTEGRATION WORKBOOK

Have you had a psychedelic experience and are unsure how to work with the experience?

Psychedelic experiences can be difficult, confusing, blissful, and life-changing, but knowing what to do next can be overwhelming. That is why we have designed the Navigating Psychedelics Integration Workbook to help you with your process.

This workbook can also be used with your clients as a starting point for their integration process.

We have received amazing feedback from therapists and coaches who have been using these books with clients and absolutely LOVE them!

This workbook consists of different activities such as meditation prompts, journaling exercises, and goal planning.

"Psychedelics Today offers up-to-date information and intelligent, constructive discussion about everything psychedelic in today's medical and therapeutic communities. Joe and Kyle have a passion for the subject, and are highly skilled in sharing their knowledge. Their courses are packed with relevant information, well-paced, easily accessible and affordable. Psychedelics Today offers many advantages over more costly "certificate" courses: the on-line format eliminates travel time and costs, and the shorter course length shows respect for everyone's limited time, and helps attendees stay focused on the subject at hand. The limit on class size is another huge advantage, as it ensures ample opportunity for attendees to participate in class discussions and to get to know each other. Given how fast the field is moving, I think PT offers the best value for those professionals interested in learning about, and staying current in, psychedelic therapies and research."

- RJ, LCSW (Graduate of CIIS Certificate in PAT&R)
“Navigating Psychedelics: For Clinicians and Wellness Practitioners” provided an intimate and comprehensive learning environment for clinicians to develop a foundation for psychedelic assisted therapy. The self-paced learning platform covers a wide breadth of information and resources on various psychedelics along with perspectives from leading voices in the fields of psychedelic research and therapy. Possibly more valuable is the chance to join a learning community in the weekly online discussions. Joe and Kyle have a talent for letting the class self-direct and explore what was most interesting to the group in each week's lessons while still providing structure, helping create theoretical and experiential connections, encouraging reflection, and cultivating a sense of community between classmates. I left the course not only with a deeper knowledge of psychedelic assisted therapy and next steps to explore, but also a feeling of empowerment that arose from sharing and exploring an interest with like minded colleagues."

- Nathaniel Robertson, MSW
"I had the opportunity to take both the Psychedelics for Clinicians and Wellness Practitioners course as well as the Lessons on Self-Care and Integration course. I was well-informed through experience, personal research, and work experience prior to taking the courses and I have to say I completed the courses with a plethora of new knowledge. This course allows you to hear from therapists and clinicians already in the field doing the work. The value of that alone was priceless. The live zoom calls allowed me to dive deeper into some of the topics discussed in the course work and gain a holistic understanding of psychedelics. Kyle and Joe have a tremendous amount of expertise to share and I'd highly recommend taking their course no matter what step of the journey you are on with psychedelics!"

- Jenkins
"I just wanted to take a second to say what a great job Kyle and Joe did on this course. There is so much amazing information. I am so thankful we have lifetime access and can revisit the course as we need to on our journey because there is so much to take in. If I tried to retrieve all the information given in this course it would’ve taken me years. It’s also helping me see to what degree I want to incorporate Psychedelic Integration into my work. That clarity has helped me tremendously. I am very grateful that I found y’all and the course."

- Donessa, Certified Hypnotherapist and Coach
"I want to speak to the course I recently took to learn about psychedelics. I am a marriage and family therapist and I’m fairly new to the idea of using plant medicines in therapy so I decided to take the course by Joe and Kyle.
A benefit of their course is that the guys are available to connect with while learning. For me, asking questions while learning was beneficial for my processing of information. They are available during the weekly classes when meeting on Zoom and also online more often through the Slack communication system. Another favourite part of Joe and Kyle’s course is that it has long term accessibility. I am able to access the whole course as I require. The team is not only Joe and Kyle, but all of the experts who are interviewed and provide extensive experience."

"This was a wonderfully thorough survey of psychedelic integration and self-care. As a mental health professional, there was SO much value in this course for me that I can utilize both personally for my own growth, as well as to help others make use of their psychedelic experiences. Additionally, Joe and Kyle are a delight to listen to, and are quite knowledgeable and responsive to questions. Useful format, as well!"

- Jessica Katzman, Psy.D.
"I am currently retraining as a psychedelic guide/therapist. This course is an excellent introduction for therapists, clinicians, guides, or anyone who is curious about deepening their understanding of the therapeutic use of psychedelics. It covers all the basics, and opens plenty of doors to probe further if desired. Joe and Kyle know their stuff, and were always approachable and responsive to questions. And access to the graduate community is massively valuable in itself - I've made new connections and have had some great conversations. Highly recommended!"

- Liam Farquhar, France

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
Please see below for start and finish dates/times. This course is currently being offered live and dates/times will change throughout the year. We also have an on-demand option that DOES NOT include LIVE sessions. You will be able to work through the recorded material at your own pace.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
Does this course qualify me as a psychedelic therapist?
No. This course is primarily for educational purposes. Psychedelics Today does not train therapists to facilitate psychedelic assisted psychotherapy. At this time, there are only a few organizations that can train therapists for psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy research, such as MAPS. That said, there are legal options like ketamine and cannabis that are legal in many places for use in psychotherapy.
Will I receive a certificate?
Yes. You will receive a certificate of course completion upon finishing the course.
Who is this course for?
This course is for clinicians, therapists, coaches, body workers and any professional who works with clients who may be using psychedelics or interested in them. This class will provide you with a well-rounded foundation for addressing psychedelic-related topics including integration with clients. Students enrolled in a psychology, counseling, or social work program may enroll as well.
Are CE credits available?
CE credits are available for the live option only. Students have the opportunity to claim up to 12 credits for a small additional administration fee.
Are refunds available if I'm not happy with the course?
We offer a 14-day money-back refund after the purchase date of the class.
This course in no way promotes, condones, or facilitates illegal activity. This course is strictly for educational purposes only. Please be aware that most psychedelic substances are illegal in many countries. By enrolling into this program, you are agreeing that Psychedelics Today takes no responsibilities for your actions.
This course does not provide credentials or training for therapists, coaches, and clinicians to provide psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy services. Largely these services are illegal.

Informed Consent
Please be aware that this course is for educational purposes only. This is not a substitute for traditional psychotherapy or medicine. This course is designed to provide education from our personal and professional experiences. If you are experiencing significant issues, please seek medical attention.

Limitations of course
The exercises in this course are oriented towards personal and spiritual development. The techniques or modalities are in no way a replacement for traditional therapy. Much of the information in this course could be applied to your on-going therapy, if you are currently utilizing mental health services.
We believe that providing education, peer-support, and harm reduction is important for this field.
Again, this course also does not train/certify therapists, clinicians, or coaches to provide/facilitate illegal activities.

By enrolling in this course, you are agreeing that you understand the purpose and limitations of this course.

Looking forward to taking this journey with you!

Financial Assistance for Students

If you are a student and cannot afford this course, please email us at [email protected] FROM a university email address. We will offer you a discount coupon for the independent learner edition.

You must email us from your school's email address to receive this discount.

Students must be enrolled in a graduate program studying psychology, social work, counseling, and etc.

On the principle of accessibility we are also offering scholarships to those currently experiencing financial hardship. Please email us.

Pricing Note:

Please note that the pricing options are in AUD and not USD.

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