Legal Disclaimer:

By clicking complete I acknowledge that:

  • Psychedelic drugs are illegal in most parts of the world and by choosing to ingest them there are some inherent risks involved.
  • "EntheoNurse" (C.J. Spotswood) does not encourage nor condone the purchase, sale, transfer, or use of any illegal substances; nor does "EntheoNurse" encourage or condone partaking in any unlawful activities related to illegal substances.
  • Information on this educational program is meant for educational purposes only and not meant to advocate or promote the use of any illegal substance or unlawful activities.
  • Information obtained from this educational program is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
  • Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking medical services based on something you have read or heard online.
  • "EntheoNurse" will not tell you where or how to find or procure illicit psychedelics if you contact him.

Thank you

C.J. Spotswood, BSN, RN-BC

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